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Sailpoint IIQ Advanced

SailPoint IIQ Advanced: Deepen your expertise in SailPoint IIQ,
addressing complex identity governance challenges.


SailPoint IIQ Advanced takes identity governance to a higher level. It leverages advanced features such as role-based access control, automated workflows, and continuous risk monitoring. This advanced implementation enhances cybersecurity by offering fine-grained control over access and reducing security risks.


Experience with C#, Java, or another object oriented programming language.

Course content

  • Module 1: IdentityIQ Preview 
  • Module 2: Product Architecture – Installation – Deployment 
  • Module 3: Identity cubes 
  • Module 4: Application On-boarding, Correlation 
  • Module 5: Risks and Policies 
  • Module 6: Certifications 
  • Module 7: Roles 
  • Module 8: Troubleshooting, Debug, Console 
  • Module 9: Rules, Tasks, API
  • Module 10: Reporting
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